2D Object Libraries not working or am i doing it wrong?

Hi guys.

So i have tried to set up a couple librarys for 2D symbols for floor plans and title blocks for drawing templates. but for some reason when i go to this library in the “render libraries” tab, it just shows up empty.

Im not too sure im doing it right really. I have set it up in a similar way to how i have set up my materials library. So for my title block layouts i have created the layout and then exported it as a 3dm file to my title block folder and then added this file path to my library folders.
Then for my 2d symbols i have just downloaded this from food for rhino Rhino Symbols Library | Food4Rhino added them all to a folder and then done the same thing by adding this file path to my library.

Just when i go to try and retrieve these from my library tab, the folders just show up empty? have i done something wrong here? The term “Render Libraries” kind of makes me feel that i need to set up a different sort of library as obviously these sorts of assets aren’t exactly for rendering.

Any help would be great,

Cheers guys

Hi Jake - the Render Libraries panel shows rendering related files - materials and textures - the File Explorer panel is more liklely what you are after.


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ahhh thats perfect! thanks Pascal, i had a feeling i had to be in the wrong place!