1. Flying node limit was reached!

Hi, i am trying to calculate the displacement of a membrane however i have some doubts. I have used kiwi before to generate the minimum surface area. After i tried to calculate the displacement of the minimum surface area membrane however i get this error:

  1. Flying node limit was reached! The displacement of the respective control points is set to zero!

Also I have doubts about the load because it is not distributed on the surface and I don’t understand why.

Last question; to obtain the maximum displacement I use the “2d element result” component, in the input parameter t I choose “displacement length”, and the maximum value of the domain represents the greatest displacement. it’s correct?

Here I upload my definition:
kiwi membrane.gh (33.4 KB)

Thanks a lot

flying node limit just tells you that there are large displacement for some control points that might corrupt the visualization. You can change the limit by right-clicking onto the component. This usually happens when only few control point are attached to the trimmed surface. You can check the refinement by right-clicking onto the analysis model component. A refinement of U=V=10 solves e.g. the warning as enough points are associated to the trimmed surface. Furthermore, if possible, it is better to not use a full revolution surface but only quarter for the untrimmed surface.
The load is applied as a uniform surface load. However, there is a bug in the visualization. I’ll have to check this.
And yes, 2d element result component is the way to go!
And as a hint: you should use different analysis names as the results are overwritten otherwise. The refinemet in the second analysis can be set to U=V=1 if no further refinement is necessary (saves computation time).

Hi @anna_kiwi3d , thanks a lot for the help but i still have some questions.

In the blue group i tried to get the minimal surface but i got the same warning as yesterday.
In the green group I did the same steps but I added the “load case” in the “Deformed model” command and the warning disappeared. if I increase the load case number too much, the warning reappears. What does the “load case” refer to?

In the orange group I performed the same steps on a different surface but the procedure doesn’t work, maybe I have to change the “Surface refinment” (for example if I set it to 12 it works), but according to which rule i change the value?

Here I upload my definition:
LC.gh (44.8 KB)

Thank you

Hi @anna_kiwi3d , I think I’ve solved the problem, I had to increase the surface subdivision in U and V. Now it works.

Thank you very much for your help.

the last doubt remains on the choice of the “LC” in “deformed model”