RhinoSplitBrepFace problem after latest updates

Hi dale,
Thank you for responding.
I’m running Version 5 SR10 64-bit and before update SR9.
This is the problem, I have a model (Brep) and when I want to import in Rhino debug mode, Rhino informs me that the model have invalid face, some trims and loops and then crash it. But when I import it in release mode nothing happens and when I used “What” command the model seams valid??(Beside this, model have some bad objects when you use SelBadObjects) So, with SR9 I used this model in RhinoSplitBrepFace and everything seams good, now with new updates this function returns NULL for some cases (not in prior version). Now I have problem with this error: “ON_Brep.m_T[426].m_type = ON_BrepTrim::seam but m_iso is not N/E/W/S_iso.”, I’m guessing. Is there are some way to solve this problem?
Thanks again, Filip