Python FillAllHoles


I have the following script which exports obj files, working well. However on export when I display the obj file I am getting holes in the meshes when displayed in webGL. I do not understand if I am simply decimating the mesh to much. They seem to appear rather randomly, but I understand I am using a one size fits all export which may not be ideal.

Regardless, I found if I create the mesh manually in the GUI I can then also select an option to fill all holes. This fixes the issue, but I would like to incorporate a fill all holes step in my export. I don’t understand at what point I would do this step. Do I need to write a script which adds the mesh to the Rhino environment to access the command? The command I found is FillMeshHoles: when the mesh is selected.

The script:

    import os
    import scriptcontext
    import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
    print "//export run started/////////////"
    # this function via mcneel/rhinoscriptsyntax
    def layerNames(sort=False):
        rc = []
        for layer in scriptcontext.doc.Layers:
            if not layer.IsDeleted: rc.append(layer.FullPath)
        if sort: rc.sort()
        return rc
    def GetDAESettings():
        e_str = ""
        return e_str
    def GetOBJSettings():
        e_str = "_Geometry=_Mesh "
        e_str+= "_EndOfLine=CRLF "
        e_str+= "_ExportRhinoObjectNames=_ExportObjectsAsOBJGroups "
        e_str+= "_ExportMeshTextureCoordinates=_Yes "
        e_str+= "_ExportMeshVertexNormals=_Yes "
        e_str+= "_CreateNGons=_No "
        e_str+= "_ExportMaterialDefinitions=_No "
        e_str+= "_YUp=_No "
        e_str+= "_WrapLongLines=Yes "
        e_str+= "_VertexWelding=_Welded "
        e_str+= "_WritePrecision=8 "
        e_str+= "_Enter "
        e_str+= "_DetailedOptions "
        e_str+= "_JaggedSeams=_No "
        e_str+= "_PackTextures=_No "
        e_str+= "_Refine=_Yes "
        e_str+= "_SimplePlane=_Yes "
        e_str+= "_AdvancedOptions "
        e_str+= "_Angle=70 "
        e_str+= "_AspectRatio=0 "
        e_str+= "_Distance=0.0 "
        e_str+= "_Density=0.4 "
        e_str+= "_Grid=0 "
        e_str+= "_MaxEdgeLength=0 "
        e_str+= "_MinEdgeLength=0.0001 "
        e_str+= "_Enter _Enter"
        return e_str

def GetSTLSettings():
    eStr = "_ExportFileAs=_Binary "
    eStr+= "_ExportUnfinishedObjects=_Yes "
    eStr+= "_UseSimpleDialog=_No "
    eStr+= "_UseSimpleParameters=_No "
    eStr+= "_Enter _DetailedOptions "
    eStr+= "_JaggedSeams=_No "
    eStr+= "_PackTextures=_No "
    eStr+= "_Refine=_Yes "
    eStr+= "_SimplePlane=_No "
    eStr+= "_AdvancedOptions "
    eStr+= "_Angle=15 "
    eStr+= "_AspectRatio=0 "
    eStr+= "_Distance=0.01 "
    eStr+= "_Grid=16 "
    eStr+= "_MaxEdgeLength=0 "
    eStr+= "_MinEdgeLength=0.0001 "
    eStr+= "_Enter _Enter"
    return eStr

settingsList = {
    'GetDAESettings': GetDAESettings,
    'GetOBJSettings': GetOBJSettings,
    'GetSTLSettings': GetSTLSettings

fileName = rs.DocumentName()
filePath = rs.DocumentPath().rstrip(fileName)

arrLayers = layerNames(False)

def initExportByLayer(fileType="obj", visibleonly=False, byObject=False):
    for layerName in arrLayers:
        layer = scriptcontext.doc.Layers.FindByFullPath(layerName, True)
        if layer >= 0:
            layer = scriptcontext.doc.Layers[layer]
            save = True;
            if visibleonly:
                if not layer.IsVisible:
                    save = False
            if  rs.IsLayerEmpty(layerName):
                save = False
            if save:
                cutName = layerName.split("::")
                cutName = cutName[len(cutName)-1]
                objs = scriptcontext.doc.Objects.FindByLayer(cutName)
                if len(objs) > 0:
                    if byObject:
                        for obj in objs:
                            i= i+1

                            saveObjectsToFile(cutName+"_"+str(i), [obj], fileType)
                        saveObjectsToFile(cutName, objs, fileType)

def saveObjectsToFile(name, objs, fileType):
    if len(objs) > 0:
        settings = settingsList["Get"+fileType.upper()+"Settings"]()
        for obj in objs:
        name = "".join(name.split(" "))
        command = '-_Export "{}{}{}" {}'.format(filePath+fileType+"/", name, "."+fileType.lower(), settings)
        rs.Command(command, True)

initExportByLayer("obj",True, False)

print "//export run ended/////////////"

If you export the OBJ file and then re-import back into Rhino, do you see holes? How are you generating your WebGL? Have you seen this?

I do not see holes on re-import. :confused:

I had not seen that plugin. I am following a very similar workflow using three.js.

What happens if you set this to _No ? Also one note, if your mesh has custom texture coordinates assigned, you might set the _VertexWelding to _Unmodified.


Try to use UnifyMeshNormals. Even though a mesh is closed it can appear open before you unify the mesh normals.