WISH: Select By Length

I’m thinking of a selection tool that could work similarly for object edges and also for curves. This would likely have to be two separate commands for them though.

Select Object Edge By Length:
First select the object(s) you want to perform the command on, then select either option (1) an edge (it would measure the length of) or option (2) input a length, and then it selects all edges with that common length. When specifying the length you could also optionally specify a range.

Select Curves By Length
Option (1) Select a curve (it would measure the length of) or option (2) input a length, and then it selects all curves with the common length. When Specifying the length you could also optionally specify a range.

The following two scripts will cover your request #2… with a few additional bells and whistles. I may actually combine them into one.


SelCrvsByLength.py (2.5 KB)

SelSameLenCrvs.py (2.7 KB)


Thanks Mitch! I will give this a try.

whoa! These scripts are so essential and powerful, they should be stardard commands. @pascal

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Thanks @Helvetosaur!

Thanks too

Is there a script for sel arc by radius like your selcrvsbylength?
I searched before my question but couln’t find it.

Yep, here are a couple…

SelByRadius.py (2.8 KB)
SelSameRadArcsCircles.py (3.0 KB)

Note neither of these distinguishes between arcs and circles - I could modify either one to do so I suppose…


Thank you again, this works for me.

Thank you so much Helvetosaur! SelSameLenCrvs just saved me hours of work. I love it so much that I made a button for it.

+1 for making this a standard function. Very useful for cleaning up drawings from Make2D or imported from other softwares. If you know that lines under a certain length are not be visible at the scale of your drawing, culling them is a great way to optimise your work. Let’s say working on an axonometric, selecting all curves that are shorter than 1 mm and deleting them. Microstation has this function.

That particular function is already in Rhino, it’s called _SelShortCrv.


Was not aware of this. Thank you!

thanks man, this is just what I was looking for !

Thanks man! that saved lots of time

This is a very useful script. Thank you for sharing it with us! :beers:

Here are some more recent versions of a couple of them, localized EN/FR/DE/IT and made Py3 compatible:
SelCrvsByLength.py (5.2 KB)
SelByRadius.py (5.4 KB)

I have a couple more that are linked above that I haven’t had time to check yet.

Two more:
SelSameLenCrvs.py (5.1 KB)
SelSameRadArcsCircles.py (5.5 KB)


Is there any way to select dimensions by length.

Yes, I’m pretty sure a script can be made to do that, unfortunately I’m traveling at the moment and can’t help right now…

@Helvetosaur should these scripts work in Rhino for Mac via top menu bar?
Tools › Script › Run…

In Rhino 8 for Mac the viewport gets completely frozen after the script is run. I’m thinking this is a bug in Rhino… Via ScriptEditor everything works fine.

Awesome work by the way!