Wish: move objects attached by worksession

EDIT: Wish withdrawn.

I wish the worsession manager assigned a transformation matrix to the imported model, so the user can move it and rotate it independently of the original file.

Also, if the imported model contains multiple parts (an assembly) and the user picks ONE part to move, then that part gets its own transformation matrix and moves independently.

The user should be able to return all xForms to unity so everything moves back to their default worksession-host positions.

Have you tried using Blocks?

I hate using blocks.
Maybe if their interface improves.

I find using Linked blocks far superior than worksessions, one reason being what you requested here, ability to move them around, place on layers etc.
Maybe worth exploring…


Yeah - the idea of worksessions is specifically that the objects stay in place - - not the same as blocks.


Fair enough. Thanks for this clarification.

I just wanted to add a comment to this:

I work with big landscapemodels far away from “world 0,0,0” so very often we move the model to “world 0,0,0” in order for Rhino not to mess with the graphics. So It would be useful somehow if the “attached”-worksession files could be moved to 0,0,0.

Or is there a way I can already do this?

Hi Thomas - I do not think there is a good way to do this in Worksessions.


An option for this would be to Reference a Worksession and use Elefront to Transform and Bake the objects into a new file. The idea being you have a robust grasshopper script and workflow that if the original files change you can update the worksession and overwrite the transformed geometry.

Let me know if you need an example.

Hi Japhy ,

Thank you for your reply,
This sounds really interesting. But what do you do with all the baked objects, if the reference is changed/updated? And do the objects follow the layers from the reference file?
Maybe I need an example, thank you :slight_smile:

What I did now was to insert as linked + active. This gives me the ability to move the reference (x,y,z), as well as check the different properties for each objects on the specific layer. But the small issue with this solution is that if I(or someone else) change the name of one of the reference layers in my main file, then new layers are then imported when I update the inserted block. And this of course make sense, because its active, and I know the reference file has no chance knowing that I changed the name :slight_smile:


I therefore tried the linked + rerference (as It gives me the same possibilites, moving, checking obejcts prop), but then my main issue is that the layer order is always reset when I close/open the rhino main file. I want the layers to be as sub-layers under for example “XREF”
This is again not a biiig issue, but I like to keep my layer structure as clean as possible, and all reference files under the same parent layer.

Hi Thomas, Here’s a rough workflow that requires Elefront 4.3.0 (Rhino V6)

UpdateReferencedSite.gh (11.4 KB)
Example_Building_Location.3dm (39.0 KB)
Example_Site_From_Others.3dm (37.2 KB)

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Hi Japhy
Thank you for sharing
I’m gonna test it in the next couple of days and get back to you.

Thanks, @Jarek. They are both certainly have their “pros and cons” but are in need of some attention. Here is a link to a page with details about Large Project Organization in Rhinoceros

There are 50 or so feature requests on YouTrack are being sorted through and scheduled.

We are hoping that both Worksessions and Linked block can be morphed into “one” file collaboration feature in a future Rhino. I have no more details on this, except it is planned.

Mary Ann Fugier

real solution is to introduce project origin. rhino would calculate everything in respect to the project origin and world coordinates would be just a matrix adding project coordinates plus delta project - world. with this sole provision hundreds of issues regarding far from origin would be gone. when importing external references or exporting the model user would speicfy if everything is in respect to world or project origin. project origin would be by default idemtical to world unless specified otherwise.

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Hi there.

In continuation of this discussion, I have a situation where I think that Worksessions are the most helpful, but being able to rotate, scale, transform the worksession in relation to the world coordinates would be very helpful. Please let me know what might be the best way to achieve the following.

I am modelling a medium architectural project in a rhino file where everything is square to the world coordinates, so that layout details can use standard views in line with world coordinates.

However, the real world urban grid of the site is not true North to South etc. It’s rotated by 6.44°.

I want to worksession in the model file so that:

  1. rotate the worksession for sunshading analysis and renders.
  2. I can turn on all model layers; allowing layout details layers to be turned on/off independently; without affecting the original working model file (a big issue in Rhino 7). In the model file, I can continue with only a few layers on for modelling, but the worksessioned layout file can use all or none of the working model file’s layers independently.

The good thing about a worksession is it’s quick, and linked. Blocks are heavy, and need updating.



@jdelavaulx You can change the current coordinate system by setting a new Cplane. The change can be either in one viewport or all viewports by turning on Universal Cplanes. The world coordinate system is not changed.

You can also set the North direction in DocumentProperties > Location.


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Woww… thank you so much Pascal… Had no idea this existed :slight_smile:
