WISH : Graph of a result value over a variable

I was trying to find the “multi-slicing” angle that produces the least amount of parts on a sculpture, so I gave the angle slider as a gene to Galapagos, and the number of slices as a goal function to minimize.
Finally , I realize that I rather have a “big picture” view instead of just an optimal value.

So I tried to graph the number of slices over the angle value and found that I had to resort to a shameless hack :

This would be actually useful if I could have a feedback of intermediate values, but the “Quick graph” only gives the extremums.

Any plugin out there for graphs that would do a better job ?
Another workaround ?
@DavidRutten : what’s in store for GH 2 in this field ?

After some thought : I might just generate and bake the graph as a Rhino polyline.
But sigh

I output/baked this graph as a polylign, as well as another graph that gives me the smallest slice area for each angle.
This is important because I’m going to mill this thing and I don’t want to have to mill a tiny part, so the min. area has to be maximized.

Using these two graphs, I was able to spot the “sweet spot angles” that provide both few parts with none of them being smallish :

I wish I could do this more elegantly though…

Hello ?

Sounds like you might need a multi-objective solver, such as Octopus:

Sometimes it is also possible to meaningfully combine several multiple fitness functions/values into one (i.e. and keep using Galapagos).

Hi Anders, and thanks for pointing me to Octopus, I’ll check that out.
It remains that better graphs would help analyse data in a way that can avoid optimisation alorithms pitfalls.
It can also be useful to present results to a client.
I see on David’s Youtube channel a lot of energy deployed in the area of color swatches and function graphs, which is all well and good, but not so much improvements in the way of data graphs.

This makes me think of Design Explorer (example) !

It’s part of Colibri project, which is now part of TT toolbox (i think!)
Really powerful if definition runs fast, like yours in this case.

lots of links, but I hope you’ll find what you need !

I tend to simply use Grasshopper (or GHPython/RhinoCommon) for plotting, visualising, and further analysing graphs. While in Rome and such. That said, I do believe there are also a few Grasshopper plugins for at least the visualisation of data as graphs etc.