I’ve tried a few times to do GH boards but never quite managed to finish. I’d get stuck on how to close the surface at the nose or tail for example.
It would be interesting to do a Shapediver version so people can shape their own boards and output plans for a wood build / self build or order just the CNC’d blank or a finished product.
Massive fan of WYVE, such sick innovation to a sport that often hates non-traditional methods. I have to ask how hard is it to glass the board? The infill seems very tricky to smooth around.
Good question, if I was hand laminating the area around the wings and swallow tail would be a pain, but ok with the right resin.
This project is going to be a single shot (top and bottom laminate in one go) resin infusion. This means I’ll be dry loading the reinforcement (in this case basalt fibre) onto the core and have vacuum pressure to hold everything in place.
First day of filming for the project has been done- video out as soon as I’m done with the editing.