Wind blown cloth wrapping around an object

I am trying to simulate a cloth being blown by wind around an object using Kangaroo 2. I have been able to get the wind simulation working easily, but when I try and get the mesh to wrap around another mesh, it doesn’t work. My only thought was to use SolidPointColide, but that doesn’t seem to be working.

As you can see, the “cloth” goes through the cylinder instead of wrapping around it.

Wind and Point (32.7 KB)

Wind and Point Collision Edited (32.8 KB)


Nice @Quan_Li! Just an FYI for the OP – when I opened Quan’s script and tried it, the cloth blew through the cylinder. On examination, I found no slider attached to the SolidPointCollide Strength, and the parameter value set to 1. I needed to set it a lot higher (like 100000) for it to work.

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