Wierd behavior of GHpython component, same script different resualts

Hi, guys, I’m making some study on how to bake geomety using ghpython, and found out an example from Bake objects with GhPython

The orignial component from this example file works well, but when I pasted the code to a new ghpython component and all inputs keeps the same, it’s not working at all.

What is the reason of this wierd situation? is it related to the ghpython version?

Please see the comparision in the image, and I attatched the gh file as well.
bake into rhino1.gh (11.9 KB)

Check that the type hint on the input x parameter are the same.

Hi Anders, I did check, the input is from the same line component.

Just had a look at the file and indeed your input type hints weren’t the same:

bake into rhino1_AHD.gh (6.8 KB)

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Oh, I see what you mean, that is what I ignore. Thanks a lot! experience manifested in detail!

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