Why I cant do RefitTrim on that edge? (Rhino 7)
refittrim.3dm (56.5 KB)
RefitTrim will only work when the adjacent sides are not trimmed, that’s a current limitation in both Rhino 7 and 8. In this case you can _ShrinkTrimmedSrfToEdge and then successfully do the refit.
I`ve found that if I have any trimmed surface, I do DupBorder and UntrimAll. Next, I Trim one side at a time and next, I do RefitTrim after that (only on one edge). In that way (one side at a time), I RefitTrim all edges (one after another). I think this method will work for all 4 edges surfaces
I hope in future there will be some RefitTrimAll command to do that RefitTrim command for all edges at once. It would be a huge time saver during single-span surface development.
Could you move that as some feature request?
I’ve written above about that method (I’ve recorded a fast movie about that here):
Do you think that could be possible to do that by the script as a one-click solution from trimmed to untrimmed on all quad surfaces while maintaining of current shape?
This method will (in general) cause the second, third and fourth edges of the refitted surface to deviate from the original surface. Whether the amount of deviation is acceptable depends on the details of the geometry. the settings used in RefitTrim, and how the refitted surface will be used.
Yes, I’ve noticed that but I wanted to do the MatchSrf later and keep the general shape so for me it`s ok.
Do you have any more exact methods to do the same?