Why all the effort for this?

Hey guys, just a random question, possibly for the surfacing people, but simply: why all the detail on this angle grinder?

My friend was thinking maybe there’s a structural reason but probably not.

Like, it just seems like a lot of fillets and transition surfaces to figure out for seemingly no reason.

Also, what CAD package was this probably made in do you guys think? I’d say it seems like the work if a solid modelling package.

Full product:

Shelf bling. Nothing more.



Like, it just seems like a lot of fillets and transition surfaces to figure out for seemingly no reason.

To figure out? With most cad software you hardly need to give fillets & their transitions any thought, especially for a part like that - there’s no high-quality surface finish that needs consideration. That shape is a few extrudes and maybe some surface modelling for the inset details and fillets to tie it all together.

Part of a product is it’s design in relation to other products on the shelf. If that was just a plain square do you think it’s gonna catch the eye of someone browsing the shelves for new hardware?

I’m aware this isn’t exactly the same. But this is literally 10minutes of quick modelling. Point is just that this level of detail is hardly effort, especially for a company like Bosch. That’s probably a few hours to do properly, though obviously there’s considerations for the larger assembly to keep in mind.


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Lots of little details disguise production flaws.