Whitelisted Global Domains disappear periodically

I have a little trouble with my global domains list.

It is the second time this month that I find my embeddings not working, only to find out that the global domains list on ShapeDiver dashboard is empty.

This is easily solved by filling in the domain again, however is a bit annoying, as it means my models could be down for a few hours before I realize it.

Any idea why this happens?


This must be a frontend-related bug, many thanks for reporting it! I assume there is no way for you to reproduce the problem, is there?

Actually - no, I have no idea how to. I am constantly working on/updating my models, and I did not notice any pattern or particular circumstance that may have caused it.

I will report it here should it happen again.

@matteo.b we have tracked down the bug in the past days, a fix was deployed today. Please let us know should you experience it again.

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