What's the most basic Rhino feature you could live without?

Interesting post!
I 2nd that Jim. I was thinking Grid Snap even before you mentioned it, for exactly the same reason.

It would make my day to open Rhino and see it not there!

And if we’re talking interface improvements I’d love a dark theme and a sexier updated UI.


Can’t do without it.


The line command. I always use polylines.


So, you never need a line perpendicular to curve, from the middle, tangent, extending another line, normal to a surface, vertical, angled, bisecting?


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I like some of the functions inside the _line command (particularly the perpendicular option.)

Why can’t we have those options inside _polyline, too? I understand “BothSides” wouldn’t make sense, but the other options should work…at least for the first line segment drawn.

Hi Ryan - here’s a little python doo-dad that may help:

import Rhino

def PolylineEx():
    gl = Rhino.Input.Custom.GetLine()
    rc, line = gl.Get()
    if rc == Rhino.Commands.Result.Success:
        p1 = 'w'+str(line.From)
        p2 = 'w'+str(line.To)
        commandString = '_Polyline ' + p1 + ' ' + p2 + ' '
        Rhino.RhinoApp.RunScript(commandString, True)

if __name__ == '__main__': PolylineEx()


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there a several object-snaps in the Osnap toolbar

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Jk. Was meant to provoke haha.I do use the line tool.

I also use this allll the time,It’s really useful.

I could live without the 2 red areas.
I think I never used them, like… ever.
Those feel a double duplicate of the good old UI on the left.

… but indeed, strange how almost any command can be found on the left, except for mesh and subd commands… that’s why I have it open on the right…

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drape, rebuild, offsetsrf, gets you a poor mans wall thickness offset…

I use shrinkwrap now, but that was a money workflow until v8…

I’d say
a) The Gumball. I just type ‘m’ and then snap to places. I never just move things willy nilly.
b) History. Breaks too easily so I don’t bother with it. Ever.


Really? The Gumball is so much more than just dragging stuff “willy nilly”. Move a specific distance, scale, rotate, extrude and now “cut”… I couldn’t live without it.


Layers? Properties? The gumball? You legitimately set the linetypes using the console commands? There isn’t even a command for setting lightweights

One that comes to mind for me is the Weight command. I know technically this is NURBS software and without the R we just have NUBS, but I’ve always heard that changing the weights is bad practice.

Doesnt do it for me. The simplicity of move, scale, rotate commands give me maximum freedom to choose specific origins of rotation or scaling, or move by specific amounts already. The gumball has some preconceived notion of obect center and is a repackaging of existing features that feels like a net negative overal. In my 25 years with Rhino there has never been an instance where I wished I had a gumball.

I also don’t use Gumball. My impression is Gumball works well for quick “sketching” but not for precision.

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Well, each to his own…

Been using the Gumball since it arrived on the scene, I have never seen it be imprecise (used correctly of course).


Also Rhino’s clever implementation of viewport interactions (where a command can start in one and end in another) also work as a gumball in some sense. I think most Gumball users are likely working on a single perspective viewport and like the XYZ locks it gives them.

That is correct. The Gumball is a local coordinate system, of course, freely transformable, and can as such be useful in many ways.
How would you lock direction with the move command? Serious question. I find the Smart Track feature often too unreliable.

On topic: I never use named CPlanes, because named Views store their CPlanes, too.

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