What's the current best way to save state of a definition?

Hi all!

I’m about to build a definition that need to often change “state” back and forth. Saving and loading.
(with “state” I mean the current value of sliders, panels, toggles, etc in the .gh file)
Imagine dozens of different saved states, all changing 20+ sliders and stuff… numbers, booleans, etc to describe the shape of a “bottle”.
I need to quickly open an old version of the bottle, edit it, save it (by overwriting old state or by giving it a new name)

  • … save state10
  • open state03 and edit some value, bake on rhino, save state03
  • open state02 , some edit, save state02
  • open state59, etc
  • etc
  • etc …

Current built-in “Save state” is not good for me, as editing the “current state” directly is tricky, and you have to re-type the exact name to overwrite it.

What do you use?
Some well formatted excel table? CSV?
There are some reliable plugin?

For now I’m thinking of using an excel table where each row is a different state. Editing the values and creating new rows directly (and only) from excel.
Make sense?


The general case of that is to swap volatile (per some C# execution) < > persistent (permanet) data stored in various parameters (accessed solely by their NickName).

Be prepared to write “some” lines the likes (reject, store, delete local, delete global… blah, blah) :

OK, here’s an entry level challenge for the brave: Strange Attractors (if you like that sort of freaky stuff - I don’t). Count the permutations … meaning the obvious. Before attempting to manage some solutions (i.e. A values + x/y, N ones in 4 Parameters) get lot’s of cigars (and Tequila).

Points_StrangeAttractors_V1.gh (7.2 KB)

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I once built a small engine that exports all parameters into a .txt file to the same location as your .gh is and reloads them. Maybe it helps. However, it requires the Telepathy, Pancake and Metahopper plugins.

parametersets.gh (44.8 KB)

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