What is color mask in decal and how does it work?

I’m looking to use the alpha of a decal to mask a solid color - so if I bring in a transparent PNG image, I should be able to use the alpha of that PNG to mask a solid color… I’ve called Rhino tech support and they said, “You should post on the forum.” So this is what I’m doing. I’m a very experienced Rhino user - but… have no idea what that attribute is in the decal… any thoughts?

Hi @chris2 ,

Can you post a 3dm file with the texture in it to explain more about what you’re looking to achieve. I’m not understanding “alpha of a decal to mask a solid color”. If a texture has an alpha, that area will be transparent with the assigned material showing through. Or if a texture doesn’t have an alpha channel, you can instead use a color in it as a mask. For instance, if the texture has a white area that I want to be see through, I would set the mask color to white and the tolerance to 95% or so.

Ahh… ok, that makes sense! What I wanted to do was to bring in a PNG with an image (with transparency) - then use that transparency as a mask for a color. Using Maverick Render, I would bring in a decal - then using the node tools, I’d detach the “diffuse” node which pointed to the PNG… then use the node that has transparency…then replace the diffuse with a color, which would only show that color through the transparency made by the PNG. Make sense?

Like green screen method for videos and TV.