I´ve prepared a simple example KangarooTest.gh (51.9 KB) to figure out what units are used in the Strength input of the Length(Line) and Angle goal components. It consist of two lines initially at 90º with one anchor point in common (point “0”). By selecting None, One or Two in the Value List component from the yellow group, you can switch between three models, i.e. fix either no point, point “1” or point “2”, respectively.
For the Length(Line) goal it is evident that the Strength input corresponds to the stiffness constant of a simple linear spring with the units in [Newton/meter]. You can check in the gray group panels that the Strength input value is recovered by dividing the Force by the Length increment for all models.
For the Angle goal I´m a bit confused. Shouldn´t the Strength input correspond to a torsional stiffness? In the white group, I divide the Momentum by the angular increment in radians and I obtain a smaller torsional stiffness than expected. For example, feeding 100 to the Strength input of the Angle goal component, a value of 68.66 is recovered upon dividing the Momentum by the angle increment.
Would you help me to find what are the units of the Angle goal Strength input? I must be missing something key in my derivation… Thank you very much!
Thanks for your quick response Daniel, it is highly appreciated!
In the Angle goal example file, I´ve checked that the Strength input is stored into a variable called EI. In addition, I´ve performed a couple of tests without success… KangarooTest2.gh (38.9 KB)
L → Beam Length [m]
M → Momentum [N·m]
da → Angular increment [rad]
In Test B, I used the maximum deflection (w) formula for a cantilever beam and a point load (from the classic Euler-Bernuolly Beam Theory), but now I find either 45.87… or the same result as before (i.e. 68.8…) depending on whether I divide by 3 or 2, respectively.
w = P·L^3 / 3EI
Solving for EI:
w = M·L^2 / 3EI
w = L·da
da = M·L / 3EI
M/da = 3EI/L
EI = L·M/3da ← Using this eq.
P → Transverse force [N]
M → Momentum [N·m] M = P·L
L → Beam Length [m]
da → Ang. increment [rad]
ka → Torsional stiffness [N·m/rad]
Did I use the correct formulas in Adriaenssens and Barnes 2001? Should I use the Shear formulas instead (eq. 6 of the ref.)?
Sa = 2·EI·sin(da) / la·lc <------- (Eq.6)
Sb = 2·EI·sin(da) / lb·lc
If so, how should they be used to get back the EI and cross-check the Strength units input for Angle goal? Sorry for my ignorance, but the paper is a bit difficult for my expertise Thanks again!