WARNING: Content version doesn't match manifest: '1.0' != '1.0.0'

I’m receiving this warning when creating a Yak package for my Rhino3D plugin:

WARNING: Content version doesn’t match manifest: ‘1.0’ != ‘1.0.0’

2024-01-02 23_27_10-Developer Command Prompt for VS 2022

For some reason, I cannot figure out how to reliably set my Visual Studio 2022 project version to 1.0.0 and not 1.0. Can anyone help? Thanks.

On Visual studio use

and on manifest type

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Thanks. I found it :slight_smile:

VS 2022 seems different from 2019 !

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I set these versions too. They may have an effect, I’m not sure.

2024-01-03 01_15_31-BESO - Microsoft Visual Studio

Now, I’m receiving warnings like the following. But it might not be a big deal anyways.

WARNING: Content version doesn’t match manifest: ‘1.0.2+592d2947576593ca20c4b1c08824eb6e9e7f28aa’ != ‘1.0.2’

I never add this, perhaps you could add a .0 “” everywhere like in VS2019 where there is 4 digits

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