Wall and Floorplate Structure using Karamba

I am trying to model an abstract structural system consisting of walls and floor plates that send their loads to pin supports that makes the building span a space. Currently, I have a three-story building, with pins on the bottom supporting x,y,z translations and then x,y translation supports for horizontal support going up the bulding from the bottom supports (at each slab). I have tried to model the walls to be semi-free spring rotation around the tops and bottoms (see drawing below). I am either not getting a result at all or getting outrageous deflections (7000+ cm). I’m clearly missing something but I can’t find the issue. I am not searching for extremely realistic results, rather something to observe for deflection behavior and load transfer/force flow. Thank you in advance for your help and time.

FullBuilding_with_Walls.gh (115.3 KB)

Hello @Colton,
I think there is a data-path problem in the above definition: when defining the shell thicknesses some of those remained at the default value of 1cm.
Please find here the modified version: FullBuilding_with_Walls_cp.gh (112.9 KB).
– Clemens