Hi all,
I have a component to update panels to default values if needed.
The GUIDs of the target panels are saved in my component through this method.
writer.SetGuid("targetPanelComponentGuid", targetPanelComponentGuid);
I’m working on a function to update all of my panels in the entire canvas. But how should I approach it?
I would imagine something like this;
ghDocument = OnPingDocument();
List<IGH_ActiveObject> allActiveObjects = ghDocument.ActiveObjects();
foreach (IGH_ActiveObject activeObject in allActiveObjects)
if (activeObject.ComponentGuid.ToString() == "e40ccee5-232e-44a0-9624-fb0ea34a833a") //being this type of object
{[DefaultPanel_VS.zip|attachment](upload://4fGLxmlvOLeVQlAXlYh2h6YhuiS.zip) (3.7 MB)
var panelGuid = activeObject.Reader["targetPanelComponentGuid"]; //<-- bugger
UpdatePanel(panelGuid); // some treatment of the newly retrieved Guid.
Screen below probably explains it better.
Each component is working well in my setup - however I would like to have a function in the component to activate all the other components also.
So either calling a class/method locally on the other components - OR - get the guids of their connected panels (that i now have in the write/read)
private void RunScript(string x)
var inputPanel = Component.Params.Input[0].Sources[0];
foreach(var obj in Component.OnPingDocument().Objects)
if(obj is GH_Panel)
if(obj == inputPanel) continue;
//prevent input panel from updating
GH_Panel panel = (GH_Panel) obj;
GH_Panel.gh (6.1 KB)
It’s a bit more complex than as such;
I want to:
- get the GUIDS of all panels connected to each of my “updater” components.
1a) this is already done internally in each “updater” component. but how do i access that globally…
- Update all the panels in the updater.output to match the updater.input.
It’s important to do without wires, because if a panel is connected in its input then its not editable on doubleclick.
private void OnClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
var source = OnPingDocument().FindObject(sourcePanelComponentGuid, true);
var target = OnPingDocument().FindObject(targetPanelComponentGuid, true);
if(source is GH_Panel s && target is GH_Panel t)
DefualtPanel.zip (38.5 KB)
P.S: The link in your post seems to be broken, That is why I worked on the older version of your code.
Hi Mahdiyar,
This is sort of what I have in the project now, but im looking for a way to have
source 1 ---- defaultpanel1 ---- target1
source 2 ----- defaultpanel2 ---- target 2
source N — defaultpanel N — source N.
Each defaultPanel can only have 1 target and 1 source.
Is there a way I can activate ALL of the defaultPanels in one go?
Ideally each panel has two functions:
UpdateConnectedPanel <-- this is what you sketched and I have in the script now
UpdateALLpanels <— this is what I’m looking for 
Hoping it makes more sense and sorry if I’m bad at explianing!
Btw it’s hosted here, hope link works
DefaultPanel-master.zip (3.6 MB)