I use ACLT for my 2D drawings, but I becam interested in how Revit’s parametric 3D worked in creating 2D drawings. I got a deal on the ACLT/ Revit LT suite so I got it to try Revit. Later, I was doing a tutorial to create a from, (it would be a loft in Rhino) but it turns out RLT did not have the tools. Asking on their forum got the answer:
“If you want a form like this, you will need to use Revit. It is a bit like asking, “How do I saw this lumber in half with this hammer?” You don’t. Hammers do not saw wood.”
At any rate, this got me looking for something similar in Rhino and I came across VisualARQ. The cost makes VisualARQ more enticing, but I wonder how it compares? Anyone have experience with both?
My time with VisualARQ is long over, but I found it always lacking and quite exhausting to work with. Then again: it was way back in time and a lot of the complaints are resolved in the newer versions.
Still not my cup of tea, tho.
If you want to do architecture, do it in the right software. Software specialized for not only producing models, but drawings as well, while respecting local codes etc.
I settled for Archicad with the wonderful live connection to Grasshopper – which is a real eye opener I think.
You should give it a try; you can really get the best of both worlds in this way.
Thanks for the response. I do what I call “fake architecture”, sets for Film/TV. We have no real codes, don’t build foundations, usually single story, (often no ceiling) and easily disassembled so just two guys can carry a “wall” away. The finish facing the camera is all that matters. That said, we have to do construction drawings. And when a comment like “Make that window bigger and add a door” comes, the drawing of those changes needs to be produced right away. It was the ability to make such changes quickly in Revit, and now VisualARQ that intrigued me.
In a Rhino class a while, we did 1 period at the end that introduced us to Grasshopper. We did a simple geometry creation exercise. I don’t understand how it could apply to creating/editing 2d layouts. Are there examples of this you point me/link to?
the ultimate example (which put me on the path) is by Front – maker of the EleFront plugin.
There are various examples of 2D layout fabrications on the forum. The concepts are similar if you are producing drawings. The question per project and workflow is to keep things 3D and use layouts and clipping planes to produce drawings or Orient things to 2D where you can still use layouts or put borders ‘on the ground’ as well. Similar to FabTools setup (many of the key components still work in R6)