VisualARQ - BIM in Rhino for Small to Medium Projects Review

@kristjan.tolk I’ve been using VA as my primary BIM software from several years. There have been a few discussions about this a while back like here and here.

I find rhino and VA to be a great all around software for small firms to small to medium projects. But you currently have to be a bit adventurous and willing to teach yourself a process (which I love). It is lightning fast to use, intuitive for clients to understand without renderings, and makes it really easy to move back and forth between design and documentation.
It’s not perfect, and some of those limitations we talk about in the other posts could keep it from being implemented into larger teams or more complicated projects. Some of those things, like reflected ceiling plans, are being addressed in the newer versions. I have been testing VA3 beta but haven’t begun using for production projects just yet.

I agree with @jerry.bakowski that some level of GH proficiency is almost required if you like making parametric styles / families. But I don’t really know Python, and you could theoretically use VA for projects strictly using model blocks and out of the box styles / families if needed.

In previous firms working on large projects with large teams, we always started in rhino for concept phase and then rebuilt everything in revit in schematic phase. But in my (currently) solo practice now that would be a tremendous headache and waste of time.

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