VisualARQ 3 beta released!

VisualARQ 3 beta is now available

This first beta version works on Rhino 8 and is only available for users with a VisualARQ license. While in Beta, only the Rhino 8 installer will be published, but the final release will be available for both Rhino 7 and Rhino 8 (for Windows).

Some of the new features include a level manager, a table report panel, buildings with boundaries, reflected ceiling plans, guides, a clash report panel, a profiles manager, and many more!

*If you don’t have a license, we offer a free upgrade to VisualARQ 3 if you buy VisualARQ 2 from January 2024 until VisualARQ 3 ships.

If you have a VisualARQ license, try VisualARQ 3 beta here…

Posted Feb 08, 2024 by Carla Sologuren on Rhino News, etc.