I was investigating how to Display the Vector normals of a surface. Attached is my clustered Vector Display for a brep, but I had another thought as I was thinking about vectors - how might you retrieve the normal direction of the points from a circle?
The Reverse Vector Component Doesn’t output any new frames. If for example, I wanted my Frames to point away from the Crv, rather than perpendicular to it, is there a way to rotate them accordingly?
You just need a vector. Why do you need the frame if the goal is to make a normal vector? If you want to rotate the frame then there are many rotation components. If you want to flip the plane there is a flip plane component. But again, if you just need a vector then you just need to get the planes x vectors and reverse them.
Why don’t you just use the “curvature”-component? It gives you the curvature vector at a specific point on a curve.
Just be aware that it doesn’t work on linear curves
Curvature tends to flip along the curve based on curve direction (concave / convex), for a circle it is fine.
Derivatives works in the case of a circle but not a free form curve for normal, in this case it works.
See here some comparison where: Perp Frames (Green) will go all inward or all outward because they are zero-twisting). Curvature (Blue) is sometimes in the other direction based on curvature concavity or convexity. Derivatives (Red with labels) won’t find this normal.
I create this python component to find perpendicular lines (and other vectors) with flip direction option on different curves, it will appear in Curve >> Division
I suppose this exercise helped me do this in 3D on a surface, this was something I tried (kind of works). I’m sure there is a better way to do this - or control object’s rotation based on it’s normals vs. the normals from the points.