Variable Depth Beam along Curve

I am trying to create a beam with a variable depth along a curve using a wide flange cluster I have. I have tested the cluster and it produces a single closed curve as I want. The depth of the beam is calculated at 15 points along the curve. Those values are fed into the curve cluster to create the closed curves I want to orient along the curve. I am not sure where the data error is right now, but my script produces 79 beam curves instead of 15. I know this is a simple error. Tips? (51.4 KB)

Do yourself a favour and get rid of this cluster. One reason it fails is because it flattens data streams repeatedly. You loose the tree structure. Maybe I’m missing something but in my opinion the cluster is also just overly complictated. In general, I’d try to create the sections / profiles on the origin. (23.8 KB)

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This cluster originated from another that used surfaces to create the wide flange shape. The curves were a mess. Now that the data is organized correctly the original cluster works fine.

Thanks for the advice. All sorted.

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