"VA objects" troubles after update to 3.0.15 version

Hello. I’m using the evaluation copy of VA on Rhino 8.

After updating to version 3.0.15, I cannot parametrically modify the window (or any other object). I’ve loaded some VAstyles from food4rhino, but they cannot be managed and are read as simple blocks (001.jpg).

I’ve tried the same process on Rhino 7 with VA version 3.0.14. While I can modify the VA object to a certain extent (002.jpg)

I cannot change the dimensions of individual elements, either directly or through the Style properties. The Geometry tab is also missing (003.jpg)
The Styles were originally from Francesc Salla

Hi @Fabio_Cibinel you can edit the parameters of that window (bys tyle) if you select the root of the style (not the individual components):

Since this is a “Grasshopper style”, the style dialog doesn’t contain the same tabs as a regular window. For that reason, there is no “Geometry” tab. All the parameters are available under the tab “parameters”, after selecting the style root.

Ok, great! My fault. Rhino 7 problem solved.
Rhino 8 issue is still there, non chance do modifiy that window because it doesn’t appear like an editable parametric object but just as block.

I’m using VA 3.0.14 on rhino 7 and 3.0.15 on rhino 8. I couldn’t find an archive of the older Visualarq release just to downgrade to a working version (at least for my case).

Hi @Fabio_Cibinel can you share that file in Rhino 8 in which the opening appears as a block?

Yes of course. This is also true for my older projects file I did previously. All the VA objects are just blocks and cannot be modified anymore, unless I save in rhino 7 version and open them with it.
Anyway, this is the sample file:
windows_01.3dm (4.2 MB)

Hi @Fabio_Cibinel thanks for the file. I can edit that window with no problems.

Edit Window

What VisualARQ version do you have right now? (because you mentioned you are using the 3.0.15 but that file was saved with the 3.1 version).

Do the other commands work properly?

Hi, I’ve tried to use another pc and everything works fine. What do you suggest? Unisnstall and reinstall rhino 8?

Perhaps it will be enought to uninstall VisualARQ and install it again. Let me know how it goes!

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It’s all working fine after the new install, thanks for your patience and precious tips. (your VA styles are amazing, thanks for sharing them).

Good to know, thanks!