Using C-Planes Perpendicular to Curve

I’m being kind of dense here, but if somebody could do a quick illustration. Rhino Help on C-plane perpendicular to curve describes a trick that looks quite handy but I’m not quite getting the idea.



From your screenshot, it looks like the command is waiting for you to select a curve in the Rhino document (I don’t see any curves visible in your document). After you select a curve, you will have to pick a point along the curve to place the cplane origin.


Hi thanks. I understand how to use the command. If you look to right in the help notes , there is a workflow for one rail sweeps I was hoping someone could demonstrate

Something like this?
2024-09-24 - CPlane-Curve


Yup, that is what I did too. thanks

Hi @wim
I don’t think this is a good workflow it only works for simple sweep shapes like you’re showing, a rectangle for instance. The reason is that for more complex shapes you can’t have the sweep shape on a weird arbitrary cplane angle when you construct it. The sweep commands should allow us to place our already drawn sweep shapes aligned to the curve instead of asking us to draw one on the spot.

Hi Wim,
I guess I’m asking for align to curve and align perp to crv as an option in addition to the draw profile option.

Select sweep command, select rail, then have an option to call align perp to curve for the placement of our sweep shapes.

I think this would be a good addition to the command. Many of these commands are still suffering in that they haven’t seen love or made better in user options in many years I think sweeps in general could be made better with more options by now.