USDZ Export with Materials - Rhino 8

Hello All,
I am experimenting with the .usdz exporter in Rhino 8. Is there a way to export the usdz file with materials? I have tried exporting the polysurface geometry as usdz, as well as converting the geometry to a mesh with the “pack textures” before exporting. Both times the result as viewed from ios Quick Look on iPad is a pink striped pattern. Is there any way to fix this?

The materials should be in the usdz file.
The problem is likely with the viewer.

To confirm, if you export as usda you should see the material files on you disk next the the exported file.

Could you provide the 3dm file?

Hi Aain
I have the same issue exported USD files are textuerless.

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Hi Charles -

Please respond to this:


Hi Alain,

Thank you for your reply. Interestingly, I’ve only encountered this issue 2 or 3 times, and it seemed to resolve itself.

However, I’ve noticed a random bug with the UNDO command. Occasionally, it stops working and instead repeats the most recent command I executed. The only way to fix this is by shutting down and restarting Rhino. This issue has been occurring intermittently over the past 2 to 3 months.

My Version 8 SR12
(8.12.24282.7001, 2024-10-08)

Thank you.

Hi Charles -

Please start new threads for different issues!

When you run into this undo issue again, please use AuditUndo and TestCurrentUndo and provide the information from those command in this following thread:


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Hi Alain
The USD texture problem is back.
I am sharing with you both files.
Thank You


USD test.usdz (3.03 MB)
USD test.3dm (1.86 MB)

Hi Charles -

Thanks for those files.
The *.usdz file that you attached is the zipped version of the USD file format and it contains the texture images.

You’ll probably need to look into the viewer that you are using to find out why it can’t find those files.

Hi Charles,
Which app are you using to open the USD file?

Looks fine in both Blender and Xcode USD viewer

Hi Alain
I am using Keyshot.
BTW is it possible to add ambient occlusion to the usd export?
Thank you

Hi Nathan
Thank you for your help.
I have been been opening it in Keyshot.

Hi Charles,

Could you export a USDZ file from Keyshot that has some textures so we can compare?

Ambient occlusion request logged here.

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