Just opened WIP 8 and tried to run Grasshopper… was prompted that it needs updating every 45 days…
but Package Manager will not update Grasshopper 2 while Rhino is open… restarting Rhino resets situation. If you close Rhino, Package Manager stops when you restart Rhino. You have to restart Package Manager, and start over again… Grasshopper never gets updated.
There should be a way to auto update Grasshopper without restarting Rhino… because restarting Rhino stops the install of the update.
Error message “changes detected that cannot be completed while Rhino 8 wip is open. Please restart Rhino.”
Thank you for Clarification. I recall seeing a popup a couple of weeks ago asking me to update GH2. Below is the solution.
1- Close Rhino
2- Go to the Folder below and delete all of its contents:
3- Start Rhino WIP, Package Manager and Reinstall GH2
I have the same problem (While in WIP phase, you do need to update Grasshopper2 every 45 days.)
but this solution doesn’t work. I am on Rhino 8 (8.0.23304.9001)
the last version of GH2 in package manager dates from 28 Sep 2023.
It indeed worked a couple of days ago (before those 45 days actually passed) but what now?
Shall I just wait for the next GH2 update? Or is there any workaround?
I’ve been reading about GH2 and not sure it’s worth upgrading at the moment…
I guess there’s a ‘package manager’ or something I should learn about if I really want to go from GH1 to GH2? Then I can’t use all them plugins I have for GH1? and can’t open gh files? …
1- G2 is not a replacement for G1. they can coexist on the same session.
2- G2 is a different platform so there is no such thing called " upgrade"
3- G1 and G2 will never share plugins, or features.
I think G2 will be a feature to be included in Rhino 9 which is still years away! I personally keep visiting G2 once a week just to familiarize myself with the new platform