Unroll 3d model with texture

Hi Pascal.
I do it like that:

  1. Create a vertical half circle and select it
  2. Use _Revolve, enter 0 as start angle and 360/12 as end angle
  3. The result should be one of 12 segments of your nurbs sphere
  4. Use _ArrayPolar, pick the center and enter 12 to create a full sphere made of 12 segments
  5. Join the segments into a single polysurface, this is your sphere
  6. Assign a spherical mapping to the sphere and a texture map like the one attached below
  7. The sphere is now mapped spherically and ready to be flattened
  8. Create a mesh from the nurbs sphere, use the command _Mesh
  9. Explode the resulting mesh into its 12 segments, hide or delete the nurbs sphere
  10. In my example i´ve named the segments S1 to S12 to not confuse things
  11. To unwrap with retained texture assignment, i´ve used the _Squish command with these settings:

Mayby you check me. Its new file.

I first assigned spherical mapping surfaces and then I do mesh.

unwrap.3dm (2.6 MB)

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