Unjoin Surface edges

Hello dear professional.
I have an issues with trimmed surfaces that were done with a patch command.
I discovered that some of surfaces come up with single edge when they have more edges.
How can I explode, fix, repair, retrim them with Grass in order to have them correct ?
Edge analysis shows that I have only 1 edge here:
Rhino 6 file is attached.

1.3dm (70.6 KB)

Not sure if this is what you’re looking for, but here is a smaller untrimmed surface:

trimmed surface_20201228.gh (11.3 KB)

maybe for the next one, just post the gh file with internalized geometry (right click gh component and click internalize) , much swifter :slight_smile:

If you want to create the smallest possible trimmed surface, you might want to be more specific as to how you obtained the trimmed surface in the first place. That way you can optimize the solution

hello, thanks for your reply
my issues come from the fact that after trim with a Patch Node I receive a surface with 1 edge only, as shown on my picture.
After I will take such surfaces to revit, and I need to have them them with proper edges. I need just to find the way how break that edge or explode it in surface definition and not as export of boundaries.
what can be done in order to see more than one edge with a Show edges command ?

Use explode on using brep edges. This way you will have the multiple segments as straight lines instead of a polyline


Hi -

This seems to work with your example:

Patch with multiple edges.gh (9.1 KB)

In Rhino, you would untrim and keep the borders, then simplify the borders and retrim.

yes, this works for me! Thank you
Could you advise where can I find the information regarding why I get such weird Srf edges after a Srf Patch command even when I send to srs patch trim boundaries with a list of separate lines like you do with Srf split ?

Hi -

There might be a clue in the way that you make these surfaces. I used the exploded edges from your surface to create a new patch surface in Rhino and didn’t get what you got. At this point, you haven’t provided much information on how that surface was made.