Hey all,
I’m currently setting up a CI pipeline for a C++ Rhino plugin and wonder how to integrate unit testing.
I am aware of the fact that many things can only be tested in a running Rhino instance.
For the moment, I would like to only cover more or less isolated code which technically mostly just needs the OpenNurbs library.
I use cmake to build the plugin (that works reliable) and plan to use catch as testing framework.
Now I run into the following problem: I need to include and use some of my classes, which in turn include the main PlugIn.h and PlugIn.cpp (e.g. to retrieve a config object from the static plugin class). So I have to build the PlugIn.obj binary and link to it from my test executable.
If I do so, the main() function from my test framework is not invoked anymore.
It looks like the PlugIn also defines a main / dllMain entrypoint? But I can’t figure out whether that’s the case and what I can do about it.
It might also be somehow related to the precompiled headers (I currently re-build them for the test-binary).
Running dumpbin.exe on my test.exe outputs the following:
Section contains the following exports for test_kinematic.exe
00000000 characteristics
FFFFFFFF time date stamp
0.00 version
1 ordinal base
17 number of functions
17 number of names
ordinal hint RVA name
1 0 00002176 RhinoPlugInDescription = @ILT+4465(RhinoPlugInDescription)
2 1 00001F8C RhinoPlugInDeveloperAddress = @ILT+3975(RhinoPlugInDeveloperAddress)
3 2 00002644 RhinoPlugInDeveloperCountry = @ILT+5695(RhinoPlugInDeveloperCountry)
4 3 0000286A RhinoPlugInDeveloperEmail = @ILT+6245(RhinoPlugInDeveloperEmail)
5 4 00004890 RhinoPlugInDeveloperOrganization = @ILT+14475(RhinoPlugInDeveloperOrganization)
6 5 00001CFD RhinoPlugInDeveloperPhone = @ILT+3320(RhinoPlugInDeveloperPhone)
7 6 00004935 RhinoPlugInDeveloperWebsite = @ILT+14640(RhinoPlugInDeveloperWebsite)
8 7 00004B6F RhinoPlugInIconResourceId = @ILT+15210(RhinoPlugInIconResourceId)
9 8 00002E73 RhinoPlugInId = @ILT+7790(RhinoPlugInId)
10 9 00004E49 RhinoPlugInMfcVersion = @ILT+15940(RhinoPlugInMfcVersion)
11 A 000014D8 RhinoPlugInMscVersion = @ILT+1235(RhinoPlugInMscVersion)
12 B 00001A00 RhinoPlugInName = @ILT+2555(RhinoPlugInName)
13 C 000037AB RhinoPlugInSdkServiceRelease = @ILT+10150(RhinoPlugInSdkServiceRelease)
14 D 000040B1 RhinoPlugInSdkVersion = @ILT+12460(RhinoPlugInSdkVersion)
15 E 00002F7C RhinoPlugInUpdateURL = @ILT+8055(RhinoPlugInUpdateURL)
16 F 00001A5F RhinoPlugInUsesMfc = @ILT+2650(RhinoPlugInUsesMfc)
17 10 0000483B RhinoPlugInVersion = @ILT+14390(RhinoPlugInVersion)
1000 .00cfg
7000 .data
C000 .idata
B000 .pdata
32000 .rdata
3000 .reloc
B000 .rsrc
C7000 .text
1000 .tls
Which is obviously the PlugIn interface and not the unit-test interface.
The cmake file looks like this (only the important things)
# build shared binary objects to be linked from plugin and unit test
add_library(libCommonObjects OBJECT "src/Kinematic.cpp" "src/demoPlugIn.cpp" etc...)
# build main plugin
#add_library(${PROJECT_NAME} SHARED "other files" $<TARGET_OBJECTS:libCommonObjects>)
# build test executable
add_executable(test_kinematic kinematic.cpp catch_amalgamated.cpp)
# link test executable against plugin binaries
target_link_libraries(test_kinematic PRIVATE $<TARGET_OBJECTS:libCommonObjects>)
I am fairly experienced with C++ but have never worked with Windows and MSVS before.
Any hints or ideas? Am I getting something fundamentally wrong?