Sounds like possibly conflicting registry keys. I’d go and remove all registry keys for your plug-in, then reload the plug-in in a fresh Rhino instance.
Is your plugin using other dll’s? If so, make sure they can be found and that their configuration (debug/release) match the configuration of the plugin.
Hi. Thanks for the answers. I tried removing the registry keys. I found only one registry key and removed it and tried reloading the plugin but it didn’t help. I think the problem have something to do with the external dll’s as @menno said. I think it started when I moved all my external dll’s to my project folder (including rhinocommon and grasshopper) I did this since the project is in git and my collegue had problems since his dll’s were not in the same location as my. I tried changing the references back to the original location of the dll’s but it didn’t help with the problem.
I have one external class library that i have created my self and the configuration of that should be the same as my project. For the other external dll’s I cannot say (Rhinocommon grasshopper etc.)
@stevebaer correct me if I’m wrong, but Rhino 6 will not load Rhino_DotNet plug-ins. However, you can still use your old plug-in soruce code. Just build a RhinoCommon plug-in project, add a reference to Rhino_DotNet.dll and then copy the code from your old plug-in to the new project.
I’ve found on a similar note (sorry if this is hijacking the thread), that having multiple versions of a plugin installed can cause issues too.
It creates a new folder for each version of the plugin in “%appdata%\McNeel\Rhinoceros\6.0\Plug-ins<plugin>”. I’d assume that only one of these is intended to be loaded, but somehow I (and users) often get initialization errors when there are superseded versions there. This is even with the dependencies ILMerged into a single .rhp, so it doesn’t seem likely that there’d be a dependency mixup. Removing the older versions causes the plugin to load correctly.
I haven’t yet been able to extract enough debugging information to figure out why this is, so any advice would be welcome.
Hi @dale, I’m still using Rhino 5. Is there a same problem with that version of rhino? I think anyways I will try to create a new project just to try to locate the problem.