Two Grasshopper Level 1 and Level 2 online courses in October 2021 (hosted by McNeel Europe)

Grasshopper Level 1 online course: October 4-5, 2021
Grasshopper Level 2 online course: October 6-8, 2021
Hosted on Zoom by McNeel Europe

Ping-Hsiang Chen, a computational designer at the Applied Research team in KPF London, will teach two Grasshopper online workshops at McNeel Europe. The Level 1 course (2 days) will introduce parametric design strategies and their applications, as well as the concept of computational geometry. It will cover the use of native tools in Grasshopper and their relationship to Rhino and apply useful design and task automation techniques.

The Level 2 course (3 days) will provide an in-depth understanding of modeling possibilities using Grasshopper and explore SubD and QuadRemesh features from Rhino 7 to tackle complex geometric problems. The course will focus on concepts such as data flow control, data management, behavior-driven modeling, iterative modeling, and learning how to create feedback loops using algorithms to optimize and benchmark design options.

Introductory Level 1 course (2days):

Day 1: Numerical Operation (Series, Range, Random, GraphMapper, etc.), Transformation Methods, Vector and Planes, Data Structure, Modelling with Curve and Surface, Data Visualization

Day 2: Proximity Based Modelling, Number Remapping, Surface Panellisation, Conditional Statement and Expression, Geometry Morphing, String, Tag and Formatting, Dimension and 2D Drawings, Extend Rhino Function with Grasshopper Player

This course is for complete beginners to Grasshopper and parametric modeling. No previous Grasshopper experience is required, but it is preferable to have an intermediate Rhino level.

Intermediate level 2 course (3 days):

Day 1: Review Computational Geometry and Complex Geometry, Advanced Data Structure (Branch and Path Manipulation), Data Grouping, Partition, Classification and Culling, Data Sorting, Sets, Conditional Statements, Vectors, Frame, Plane, Transformation, Fields, Custom Patterns and Domain

Day 2: Mesh Modelling Introduction, Subdivision, and QuadRemesh, Introduction to SubD, Introduction to Physics Based Modelling, Form Finding with Goals and Forces, Interactive Modelling

Day 3: Code Reusability and Create Custom Function, Data Import and Export, Collaborative Workflow Introduction, HOPS, Rhino Compute, Genetic Algorithm

The course is designed for people who have already taken a Grasshopper Level 1 course or use Grasshopper in their daily work.

Online course fees:

Grasshopper Level 1: EUR 250,- (+VAT); full-time students and university teachers get a 50% discount (proof of status required).

Grasshopper Level 2: EUR 395,- (+VAT); full-time students and university teachers get a 50% discount (proof of status required).

Special offer for both courses: EUR 580,- (+VAT)

Please note, your seat is confirmed after payment has cleared.

Max. number of participants for each course: 25. If there is no quorum, the course will be canceled 15 days before.

Course language: English

Educational seats are limited. Sign up now by contacting McNeel Europe!

Posted Sep 07, 2021 by Verena Vogler on Rhino News, etc.