Tree Branch Component - Parametric Path

I am quite new to GH. Therefor a probably very basic question.

I am using the “Tree Branch” Component. Therefor I need the Path.
I can enter a path via the “Panel” …e.g. as text {1;2}.
The path itself should however be parametric…in my case I want to use a slider for the numbers.

I found a way, but there are probably better solutions. My question: Could you show me a better one? I find my one not very attractive

format is a little cleaner.

The tree branch will take commas as separation, unlike split tree.

Also don’t run numbers through panels, it can be an issue on floats.

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I have a question which I think it’s related to this topic.
I wanna dived list “A” to the values of the list “B” and I need to repeat values of list “A” in each branch according the attached pic.

Your question only seems to relate to a List, rather than a data Tree.

This is using Duplicate Data (Dup)