Translate Control Points

Hi all, I need to move the control points of a curve, in a group of 2 or 3 points at a time, in a direction and have them stay there while i move the next group of points. I can’t seem to figure out how i can have the current group hold the new position while i move the next group. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance (17.1 KB)

this can be one way to do that using Sift Pattern: (24.3 KB)

Thanks for the response. It needs to be iterative, a new curve needs to get drawn every time a control point position is changed. Is there anyway to adjust the control points without having 60 sliders for each control point ?

I think it might be easier if you explain what you are trying to accomplish as your final end-goal, instead of going step by step along a process that might just complicate things :upside_down_face:

like, you have your initial curve A, and scale then move and smooth it B, and finally you expose its control points C:

what do you want to do with those points? where does each of those move, by what amount and why? is there any rule of thumb that regulates the type of transform they are going through? stuff like that :slight_smile:

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I need to scale and move the initial curve A so that i can loft the two curves. I need to maintain a distance between the two curves (about 6mm in this case). There are about 1000 of these curves and they’re all different.