Transfer Attributes and Hide

Hi all. I do try to build a definition for Grasshopper Player that will alow-me to transfer all the atributes of one geometry to another geometry. Up to here my definition works just fine, the isuue it is that also I do want to automatically hide the used source and target geometries, so to remain on the viewport only the geometries that didn’t had transferred the attributes between them but I can’t find a way to select and hide the Source and target geoemetries.

I am trying to use some components from Sasquatch and RhinoToGh to achieve this task but seems that something it is missing. (18.5 KB)

P.S. I think that maybe will need some sort of delay but I can’t find any way to implement a delay command here.

The definition should require the minimum number of clicks possible, ideally just two of them, one to select the source object and another one to select the target object.