I’m in the middle of making a (= ONE) Toolbar Group.
I thought that when I make the group from selected toolbars, the members would automatically be in the group.
Not the case, I have to manually drag every single toolbar.
Not comfy and not as expected.
In another aspect the groups are not lazy.
They duplicate themselves everytime I open the Option dialog.
I could not reproduce that issue here with toolbars containing something, but I can when empty, so I suppose that’s the case here? I logged that one a while back: RH-81292 Toolbar group: stays empty
as for duplicating toolbar groups: RH-81293 Toolbar groups getting duplicated
As for the icon editor going crazy, this appears to be a localization issue that should be resolved when the new editor replaces the current (Use TestSVGEdit to use the new one in 8.9)
See RH-80632 Toolbar Icon editor going crazy