Timber Grid shell Beam line generation and beam lofting


I am trying to generate a staggered modulation for a timber grid shell as seen in the picture. I want to generate the staggered intermediate beams connecting the main arched beams using curves parallel to the curves I have used for the exterior finish seen in yellow. How do I do this such that I can extrude the intermediate beams as flat beams but following the profile of the basic shell. The idea would be in case I construct this project the beams would be milled on a CNC to achieve the profiles.

260225_TimberGridShell.3dm (816.3 KB)
260225_TimberGridShell.gh (85.2 KB)

Yes these are the plugins whose components I am using in the definition

Too heavy to open, disable something.

I have disabled a part of the script but it may still lag because I am using a mesh that is extracted using kangaroo.

270225_TimberGridShell.3dm (179.2 KB)
270225_TimberGridShell.gh (94.3 KB)