The formula I made according to the picture, but the result is slightly different from the actual one, I don't know what the reason is? Can you help me tell what went wrong?

火龙果.gh (31.5 KB) The formula I made according to the picture, but the result is slightly different from the actual one, I don’t know what the reason is? Can you help me tell what went wrong?

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Can’t find the plugin used to build curve from vertices and vectors.

Btw who made this nice model?

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The definition is mine and the plugin it uses is:

Here’s a version that works.
火龙果.gh (29.7 KB)


Thank you very much, your definition is great

I want to try to find the problem by myself, but I still can’t find it. Can you help point out what is wrong?

Is the model derived from this definition so open?

There were several persistent values wrong in some parameters. The Count of a Serie has to be a value greater than the number of points needed to create a phyllo-spiral, which is not obvious at all. Evaluate Length needs 0.5 as parameters. The polyline must be closed. EDIT< And also set to true the Remove Empty input in the Clean Tree components>. And I think that’s it. For some reason the Bezier Span Extensible didn’t work because it had a different amount of points than vectors, I guess I had used an earlier version of the plugin in the original definition, I fixed it with Shortest List.

It’s open yes. It was an exercise I did to show the Bezier Span Extensible plugin when I published it. If you add the two fibonacci numbers, it will give you the amount of points you need to form a cycle (the closed transverse union of points) so you can group them at the beginning and at the end of the list and replace them with the middle point or another method to close it. If you are interested in all this phyllotaxis stuff, I think that it was all a bit explained in the PhylloMachine documentation and example files.