When using Text Entities with the new Grasshopper Rhino tools, the Test-Entity Mask does not clip properly when output to PDF.
With two text-entities, one right above the other (ie: floor-plan tags on a multi-story building, etc…) using the Grasshopper Text Entity components:
Now add a clipping plane to isolate one level at a time. This works and shows the correct result in Model-space, and in Layout view (the ‘Upper’ successfully clipped, only ‘lower’ showing):
However, when output to PDF, while the ‘upper’ text is successfully clipped, the ‘upper’ mask is not clipped. This has the effect of blocking out any text of the ‘lower’ entity.
If you open the PDF in Illustrator or sim, the lower text is in there, its just covered by the upper text-entity’s mask:
example file attached.
- MacOS Ventura 13.6.6
- Rhino v8.9.24163.15302, 2024-06-11
text_entity_example.gh (16.3 KB)
text_entity_example.3dm (2.4 MB)
test.pdf (13.0 KB)