I have come across a problem that I cannot solve.
I need to generate a curve that is tangental to both the red lines shown.
However it needs to run through both points in a continuous curve (Curve Through Control Pts doesn’t work)
Any ideas?
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Thanks for getting back to me.
Unfortunately not, It needs to be a smooth continuous curve (like in this screenshot)
This is the closest I’ve managed to come.
Ok, thanks for the clarification
Something like this?
You won’t get the blend curve go through the points precisely, but some fiddling with the control points and the start points will get you reasonably close…
(Pascal Golay)
March 9, 2022, 3:56pm
Three blend curves (the first two with the Point option) and History might allow you to get there with some edits to the blends:
1 Like
(Steven Burzinski)
March 9, 2022, 4:39pm
This problem is similar to Blending two curves (Tangency on both ends) through a point
_InterpCrv 's _StartTangent and _EndTangent options are available when _Degree=3 and _SubDFriendly=No.