Tab/Panel Icon and Docking behavior

In Rhino 7 my plugins tab/panel could be docked on the side next to the panel with the properties, layers, etc. tabs. Now in Rhino 8 there seems to be no secondary panel docking position. Or am I missing something?

Ideally I can get it to work same as in Rhino 7 (explained above). But if I can’t, it is reasonable to just have my plugins panel be just another tab along with the properties and layers etc. tabs. One issue though is that the plugin icon doesn’t show up for the tab label, it’s just a blank tab label that users can miss. Any idea how to get the icon to show up here?

Thank you,

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Hi @samlochner,

Your tabbed panel should be able to located in any container.

I guess we need some code or a plug-in to look at.

– Dale

I figured it out, it turns out I was grabbing the tab itself instead of the panel and so of course the tab couldn’t become a panel of it’s own but had to join the other tabs. Once I grab the actual panel, then I can dock it as a panel. (I hope I’m using the right terminology here, panels and tabs…). Silly mistake on my part, sorry.

Regarding the tab icon, how do I go about setting this? In Rhino 7, a generic rhino plugin icon would show up. But in Rhino 8 it is blank (pic below).

Thank you,

Hi @samlochner,

When you register your panel you specify an icon.

For example:

Panels.RegisterPanel(PlugIn, typeof(SampleCsEtoPanel), "Sample", Properties.Resources.SampleCsEtoPanel);

– Dale

Thanks Dale!