Hello everyone,
I am 3D modeling a facade from 2D detail curves that get oriented in the appropriate position in space then sweeped along 2 rails (2 rails per window) to control orientation/alignement during the sweep.
Of course : despite having the same profile the windows have alsmost always a different position/orientation/area from each other;
I am trying to achieve 3 goals :
1- Final result should be nice geometry (Nurbs if possible despite the overload in comparaison to meshes) so I can bake and make 2D to create beautiful elevation drawings, with almost 00 cleaning process
2 - Final geometry should be closed breps for volume calculation
3 - The final data structure matter to provide data for LCA : I want my breps after the sweep to have a data structure as follow {A;B;C} where A and B come from the the data structure of my “2D profile” curves (see screenshot below); C may be the flatten data from the planes (refered as “Plane for infill profile”)
I actually succeded to do almost everything by myself with an almost perfect result ; however some parts of the script bug, therefore I consider the result erratic and not satisfying : like item 32 among few other, which geometry is broken (see below).
And I cannot quite figure out why.
I checked my tolerance : my file is in meters and to set the tolerance very low because I am dealing with mm-range profile (so my tolerance is 0.00001 (100th of a mm)); I even scaled eveything to work in mm with a 0.01 tolerance, to check if it was a unit/tolerance problem, it still does not work - So I do not know where the bugs come from.
Also about tolerance, if it works nicely for most profiles, then why do few of them bug ? So the bug may not come from tolerances ?
I suspect the “Flatten” in my “Orient” component might be what is wrong, but I cannot find the solution
Here is the script with all the input internalised (as a reminder : I work in meters units with tolerance 0.00001)
Sweep2 erratic result facade windows.gh (35.8 KB)
Thanks in advance for your help.