Hi! A newbie here.
I have started working on Grasshopper using a task that I wanted to do for a long time. Here, I have draw the heat map based on a formula that depends on the lateral distance of curve to a surface point and depth. However, I have couple of to-dos that I haven’t been able to do. Here is the list:
Export custom preview to DWG (and/or kmz, later on to Revit maybe).
I haven,t been able to find a proper way to export. When I bake the custom preview and export, I can only get the rectangles, not the colours. -
Legend. I want to create a legend, but I couldn’t find a way.
Deformed Mesh. I would like to create a new surface that deforms in z direction by the amount that I calculated (the one that I used to draw the heat map)
(Haven’t worked on it a lot, so you may skip) -
Are there anything you see to improve such as rookie mistakes?
Thanks a lot for any help.
Question.3dm (47.3 KB)
Question.gh (12.1 KB)