Surface controlled with control points - help

hi everyone, i strugle with this code for a while and would love for some help.
i figured how to create this kind of surface as you see in the picture but i want to find the way how the surface can move to two direction - as if i add negative component befor the x direction but to half of the surface/
thank you in advance for trying <3


Need file.
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control points (16.9 KB)

Your wall base curve is not internalized.

P.S. I created my own wall base curve (internalized) and added the white group to answer your question. The expression I used on the Dom (Construct Domain) ‘A’ input is “-x”, though you could use two sliders instead with different values for ‘A’ and ‘B’ inputs.

control points (14.8 KB)

thank you for the afford! but the wall is still moving in only the possitive side so its not wat i was looking for, adding a sketch to be more understood.

I don’t want a sketch, I want a GH file.

me too! :slight_smile:

rhino model more or less what im looking for