Is there a tool that allow me to select the controls points/ points to align to a direction which I draw in the command in perpendicular like this? so I can reach tangency and get the form I want in more intuitive way.
I have so many question about move uvn. what is along tangent and extension really mean?
i.) I try to extract an isocurve and then draw a tangent line perpendicular to a control point. then copy that tangent line to the control point. It doesnt move along it.
ii.) and I try to extend my srf in smooth way. but again I don’t see any relationship between them
iii.) moving N seems to give the same result no matter along what. -
Im not sure am I missing something. I supposed there is something allows me to move the control point in a way that I can maintain my continuity between surface. move along control polygon only allow one dir (red). but I want to be able to move exceeding that (green)
something like VSR in the video, push and pull. I can live with the panel like move UVN but it seems like there is no option to push and pull over the control polygon which is the easiest way to manually edit a nice continuity in the srf itself and maintain continuity against the other srf.