SubD Modelling Course

Can someone recommend a comprehensive SubD Modeling course that will turn me step by step from novice to expert in 101 hours? :stuck_out_tongue:

If you want some online-Tutorials - there is a lot of great stuff on the official rhino learning site

if you want some on site practice - i will give a 2 day course in April in ZĆ¼rich / Switzerland - the course is in german, we use the english interface

kind regards -tom


Thank you for your recommendation @Tom_P . As Austrian, I do understand German, but unfortunately, Zurich is a bit far from Vienna.

Currently, Iā€™m reading the book ā€œAAD Algorithms-Aided Designā€ to learn Grasshopper. This book is pretty good (over 300, 5 star ratings on Amazon), and Iā€™ve learned quite a lot about Grasshopper from it, in conjunction with watching tutorials.

I have also read the official McNeel training manuals 1 & 2 to learn Rhino, and even though I have learned something, something this might not have been the best investment of my time.

Because of my good Grasshopper learning experience I was thinking there might be some very good SubD learning material out there as well. Well, I guess Iā€™ll take your advice and watch the official videos from start to finish, hoping this will turn me into a SubD monster.

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Hello, I took a subD course but it is quite basic, I acquired it on the same platform . I am writing to you because I am curious if you managed to find a fairly complete SUBD course, I want to learn how to make removable figures for chocolate making.

I would like to learn how to make removable figures in SUBD, I make molds for chocolate making and I think this tool can help me a lot.

can you post an example of the type of figures you model regularly?

happy to try and help you sort it-

lots of Subd demos here-


The tutorials from the Rhinoceros3D channel are pretty much the best source Iā€™ve found to learn SubD. Some tutorials are very beginner-friendly, while others are less so. I usually watch 5-10 minutes and then try to repeat what was shown in the tutorial. Iā€™m now about 10 tutorials in and am slowly getting the hang of it. The latest tutorial is about making a simple childrenā€™s toy to mold sand. I guess this could also be utilized to mold chocolate.

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I dont know any courses or rhino related videos but here are a couple youtube channels that help a lot. Once you know the basics of subD like topology and edge flow, you can model in any software. Youll have have to learn the commands/naming conventions of that program.


wow- those are great channels- thanks for the rabbit holeā€¦Iā€™ll be back in a week.


There is a 101 Rhino SuBD online course, but it is Mandarin.

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I would love to be able to make a subD of this figure that is removable just like the chocolate bunny seen in this video.

I love it! Thank you very much!

This video is going to help me a lot. Thank you very much.

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so each part of this character can be made paper doll style and then simply thickened and pulled into the final shape. you can overlap the shapes and then shrinkwrap the result to unify it all together. (this allows you to keep your subd parts subd in case you need to iterate on your shapes)

trace the shapes out flat- front legs, rear legs, chest and body and head, ears and lower jaw. All separate parts this will keep you from having to try and fight overly complex geometry in the entire model. you can simply focus on the smaller simpler forms and get them right-

this is what I call ā€œpaperdollā€ topology layout -

this is ā€œrule of threeā€

this is shrinkwrap-

and also:


Some more doā€™s and donā€™t s

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This is essentially ā€˜Part 2ā€™ of the Paperdoll Modeling Tutorial. As a beginner, itā€™s impressive to see how quickly a complex shape like a skull can be formed with SubD.