Stuck modeling a bottle

Hi to everyone, i have been working on a project developing the design of a bottle juice for kids. The point is that i am stuck modeling the base of the bottle, i cant figure how to resolve the surface to get uniform, with soft transitions and continous, i dont know if i am using the wrong method to model and i would like you to help me to solve my doubts. Your help would be much appreciated.

I leave the file for you to know what i am talking about.

Best regards.

Juice Bottle.3dm (5.5 MB)

Hi Alejandro - do you still have the surfaces that made the cuts to the bottle?


Hi Pascal, I found this seacching for some insight and I notice it didn’t go anywhere. I have pretty much the same request as the original poster. I’m attempting to model the bottom of a soda bottle and I’m scratching my head. Would you offer some advice on how to go about approaching this? I’ve attached the current model.

CocoColaPony.3dm (551.3 KB)

HI James - the first thing is, make sure of your curves - if you want tangency, make sure of that, symmetry, ditto. Since this is a repeated element, you’ll want all the intersections and fillets and what-not to be identical so you can stick it all together when the surfaces are made:


Okay, I’ve gone back an remade the patterns and checked with the analysis tool. I deleted the curve that was drawn on the front plane as it seemed wrong. What I’m having trouble with is how to approach this organic modeling problem. Would making a section (1/5) using a cage edit be a solution? Is there a better boolean way?

Here’s the most current version with some additional photos of the bottle.

CocoColaPony.3dm (618.5 KB)

Yep, I’ll see if I can make a useful suggestion. Off hand, I think I’d not use the vertical extrusions, I’d work with the cuts that go in from the sides. I’ll take a look this evening or in the AM.


OK, I do not have one of those bottles handy so my shapes are probably quite wrong, but I’d think the general construction could be like the attached, only better… basically a few surfaces and a lot of filleting (or other transition surfaces, fillets were relatively easy)

CocoColaPony_PG.3dm (742.1 KB)


Thanks Pascal. I’ll study this and be educated.

This is how I would do it. Simple clean and fast. You want to avoid using fillets that terminate to points as much as possible.

That does look rather clean. Would you mind sharing the model with me? I like to look over the objects and figure out how you made them