Strange error report opening R7 GH source in R8 GH

Hi Guys and @Guillermo_Varela

I was in the middle of tracking down a slow load/poor UI response issue in one module of my kite design plugin yesterday when I ran into this error screen:

This came up when I opened the R7 GH source code in R8 GH.

As it turns out I was able to track my problem something (most likely) unrelated (a Boolean operation in some zombie code not longer used in the main code base) but would still like to know what the above is/means and how to fix it.



This can occur when you adjust your plug-in and remove an output parameter.
I’ve had this before when I moved around some of the outputs of my plug-ins and removed a single one of them as it was redundant.

After that I opened a script where the ‘redundant’ output was still in use. There I got the same exact error.